Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What is this thing?

Welcome to Purposeful Wanderings!

This blog will follow my wanderings through Israel and Europe over the next five months or so. I will post pictures and stories of the people and places I am meeting and seeing. In addition to being an online trip log, this blog will serve as reassurance to family back home that I am indeed alive and well.  ;)

The title of the blog comes from the deep desires of my heart to both wander and see the world, while remaining purposeful in it. My faith pushes me to make the most out of every situation, learning, serving, and blessing those around me. It hardly seemed fair to take my savings and travel the world without connecting it in some way to Kingdom work. Thus, in my wanderings I will be meeting with people throughout the region to learn and serve with them. Lord willing, his message will be carried to new places and people.

Feel free to add your email address into the box to the right and follow the promptings. You will then receive an email each time I update the blog. Thanks for checking out Purposeful Wanderings.

On the travel train,